Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Many of Us are Dreaming Dreams

Rose Bohn


There is a treasure map inside you
whether or not you recognize
you’ve been seeking it.
You must set out on a treasure hunt
to accesses the map.
Ask questions
and you’ll receive
directions and clues.

You must devote yourself
to believing it’s possible.
You must dedicate your heart
to believing it’s worth it,
not only for your own sake,
but for everyone,
absolutely every one.
You must be willing to dream
any dream, as long as it’s
big enough to scare you.
You are not alone.
Many of us are dreaming dreams
that would scare a giant.
Reach out for a hand to hold —
many hands are available to hold yours.

Don’t delay.
Last year the fires burned
the island across the ocean
and soon they will burn here.

The buried treasure chest
is your own golden heart.

If there is a hidden door,
you know where the lever is.
If there is a lock,
you have the key.
In it, your own phoenix
that ignites the new world
you’ve always longed for,
always dreamed of
but didn’t dare to admit.

It’s already inside you, waiting.



Rose Bohn

Alchemist/Beacon/Muse. Lover and Beloved of trees, writer who tends the Spirit of Life, weaver of light.